Monday, September 7, 2009

Trip to Californa

We finally took Ashlynn to California to meet her great grandparents. It was one heck of a busy, short trip, but I think she had a good time. She certainly enjoyed exploring the airport until I put an end to it.
Meeting her great grandparents for the first time didn't seem to faze her. She did cause quite a stir at their independent living center, where we had lunch or dinner every day. The older ladies especially seemed to enjoy having a baby around. That's good, since it meant people weren't giving me dirty looks when she threw food on the floor (though I did get some weird looks when I picked up the food she dropped).

We took some time out of our trip to make sure she got to go to the beach for the first time. She thought walking on the sand was awesome. She did NOT like when the wave came in and the water washed over her feet. In all fairness, the Pacific Ocean is really cold.
Anyway, that was our life for the last week of August. I was very glad to get home and not be a single parent any more. Of course we've all been sick since then, but the trip was great.

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