Monday, September 7, 2009

Organizing the Toys?

So I decided I needed to organize our toys better since the playroom is also our living room (yes, we need a bigger place). I got some cloth cubes, and decided to use the "display" space in our sofa table to store them.
It took Ash all of 10 minutes after she got up to discover her new toy storage, and less than 8 hours to dump the cube out on the floor and take its place. This is just a new adaptation to her habit of climbing into the toy box so that she can play with all her toys at once.

1 comment:

  1. Hey, I found you! ;-) One of the greatest things I learned by watching my husband when Bryon was a baby was how little they are when they can pick up after themselves. Take advantage of that so that it's second nature to her, if you aren't already. I'm telling you, it will save you!
    Way to go on the organizing, we've been on the same track and didn't even know it. After 7 children I have a strong need to declutter my world!
